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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  March 14, 2019 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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i was in el paso doing reporting. figured he wasn't going to be around. he shows up for the women's rally. i went to his house and he was out on the front porch. i waved him over. he said, come in, meet the wife and kids. that's how i met him. this is before the oprah interview. i got to see him with his hair down really. it was a sunday afternoon. there he was, just a regular guy doing his thing with the kids. there's an unvarnished, real, down to earth character there. the question is how will he be politically defined? how will he define himself? he's undefined now like a charisma candidate. the grassroots democratic party want some of that and also somebody who's got meat on his bones. we have to find out what it is. >> i think it is deliberately undefined.
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>> right. >> that was a question i had from the article. this consistent stream. talking about how he took off as a canada data indidate in texas. he said, i went in to speeches unprepared and something came to me. how much is genuine? >> very. i have met lots of political people. john edwards, hillary clinton. you get a sense there is a backstage to them, you know? there is a sense that they are thinking about what they're going to say. he's off the cuff, happening in the moment. there is a realness to him. now, how will it translate on the national stage? we don't know that. his connection with people was something that even surprised him, that he had been gifted with this connection, this retail sort of politician skill. now he has to figure out how to turn it into something. you're right though.
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i think the longer he can stay undefined, the better it is for him perhaps. >> in a profile piece by definition, it is about the subject. >> right. >> and the subject knows it is about the subject. the subject talks about himself. but it's been pointed out by pundits this morning at some point he has to pivot to talk about the other people. what was your impression of that? >> you mean other candidates? >> no. in your piece and maybe it's the way it's written is he starts with here's why i'm jazzed, i was born to do this as opposed to when i'm out there i hear desperate people. >> we not me. >> i started to talk to him about issues and said what do you think are the big issues. he said the number one issue i heard going around was health care. he went to rural texas. his skill set seems to be he can go anywhere and try to connect with anybody. he's selling that.
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he's saying i can go to areas where democrats don't typically go and i can connect, especially with women voters. he's like his mama raised him right. that's the vibe you get. he's got a folksy quality. whether he can -- politically in the spectrum of the candidates now he wants to split the difference between the bernie sanders grassroots and the joe biden centrists. he wants to basically cut them out. he's half their age practically. that's his sell. >> he seems very self-aware of his perceived weaknesses. in this case, the fact that he's a white male. >> he talks about it in the story. >> explain. >> well, it's obvious the democratic party, the reaction to trump is, hey, we are the diverse party. let's have a black woman. let's have a person of color,
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another gender. i think that's also coming out of the disappointment of having hillary clinton losing in the last election. he realizes that's a weakness. his answer is i'll have a team that's diverse and reflects the country unlike the white house is overseeing now. he can't get over the fact he's a white man. he has to accept that part. he said in the piece, you will see. he's quoted saying, you know, if people feel they need to vote for a person of color or a woman, i get it. >> in the piece, you start it with, i think, a compelling moment. you got to spend time with his family including his three young kids. >> yeah. >> we don't have a full screen of this. his 8-year-old says, dad, if you run for president i'm going to cry all day. then beto o'rourke says, just the one day? the son says, every day. that's some of what he was weighing. the pressure from the kids. >> we picked up the kids from
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school. i was with him. he and his wife were -- it looked like a typical family situation where it's a patchwork of figuring out who will pick the kids up. while this is happening he's taking phone calls about, hey, trump's coming, you have to do a rally. the kids were fully in on the conversation. it was obviously a rolling conversation that had been going on. with the reporter in the car, they were very happy to declare and you could see him like, oh, boy, here come the opinions. he rolls with it. that's his style. he wasn't going to try to pretend it wasn't happening. >> in terms of the framing of the election he talked about how he wants to run a positive campaign with proactive ideas, not just anti-trump, he kept telling you. >> yeah. >> however, he framed it as a "star wars"-like struggle against the evil empire or the battle for middle earth in the "lord of the rings." that appealed to me, but what
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does he mean? can he battle against evil and remain positive? >> luke skywalker did it. i don't know. that's a question for me. in a primary where you don't have a boogie man to draw on energy. you don't have a cruz or a trump to energize. it's democrats versus democrats. how will he define himself in that? can he stay positive? there are people that doubt he can stay positive in a primary when he's getting attacked from all sides. that's something he'll work at in realtime and we'll watch it. >> joe hagan, good timing for the cover of "vanity fair." >> pure coincidence. >> you have the midas touch. >> it is a compelling read. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me. there is a lot of other news today. developing overnight, new questions about what president trump talked about and directed
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to his then acting attorney general about the investigation into michael cohen. zwro joining us now is jerry nadler. thank you very much for being with us, mr. chairman. >> you're welcome. >> before i get to the he said, he said on matt whitaker testifying before the committee, i want you to explain to people in your mind what is significant? why does it matter what president trump discussed with his then attorney general about the michael cohen investigation. >> what matters is if the president, in fact, discussed -- well, remember that jeff sessions was fired as attorney general for one reason only. he recused himself from involvement in the russia investigation. the president fired him for that reason. he said he wanted an attorney general who would personally protect him from the
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investigation. then he appoints whitaker who had no visible qualifications for the job at that level except that he had commented very negatively on mueller's investigation. he went in there specifically so as not to be recused. so the question obviously and in the testimony yesterday when presented directly with an opportunity to deny the president talked to him about the michael cohen investigation he refused to deny it. he evaded a lot of questions. he talked about while he was attorney general for a brief period of time and he was only there for a few months, he was involved in discussions about firing u.s. attorneys, about the scope of the recusal by the u.s. attorney in the southern district of new york. our question is why was he doing these things? why was he interested in that? was the president talking to him? he didn't say he was. he refused to deny it.
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this goes to the heart of our investigation which would be obstruction of justice and abuse of power. if he was possibly implicated that's a grave abuse of power. a grave obstruction of justice. we don't have the answers at this point. we got some answers yesterday, namely that whitaker refused to deny when presented the opportunity to do so. >> right. >> and talked about he was involved in the discussions about the southern district investigation. >> let me ask about "did not deny." did not deny he had conversations. what did he admit to discussing with the president? >> he didn't admit to discussing anything with the president. when presented with the opportunity, when asked by mr. collins at the end of the
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interview if it was correct he had not spoken to the president about the cohen case, he said that had not been his testimony. so presented with a direct opportunity to deny he spoke to the president about it, he refused to do so. >> i understand the did not deny in the legal standard of that is something that could be discussed. do you have any evidence, p proactive evidence that he discussed it with the president? >> other than press reports of various people. we have talked to some people who said he had discussions with the president. >> this gets to michael cohen. the bigger issue is was the president involved with the investigation into michael cohen? that would be late. that would be in the winter of 2018. >> that's right. >> there were questions about the president's team and if they were trying to send signals to michael cohen in the early days of the investigation. cnn's gloria borger broke that
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there was an intermediary between rudy giuliani and michael cohen who was hired by trump. costello was sending images. there is an e-mail where he says to cohen, i spoke with rudy, very, very, positive. you are loved. sleep well tonight. you have friends in high places. that's a lawyer who said he spoke to rudy giuliani. when you are told you have friends in high places, how do you take it? >> i take it as the president or people on his behalf may have been dangling the possibility of a pardon in front of mr. cohen to say to him, don't tell the truth. don't implicate the president. play the game right and you have friends in high places and you'll be okay, we'll give you a pardon. that, too, would be -- if
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true -- a terrible obstruction of justice and abuse of power. this is why the committee is investigating questions of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. whitaker -- what's the word? he made it more -- he made it more possible to contemplate that the president was, in fact, involving himself in the cohen case and now we have reporting at the other end. all of this would be obstruction of justice. that's why we sent out 81 requests for testimony, for documents and why our committee has to investigate and get to the bottom of this. it's also why it is essential that when the mueller report comes out, the entire report and the evidence behind it be released certainly to congress and as much as possible to the
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public. the justice department has taken the position that you can't indict a president just because he is a president no matter how much evidence you have. >> mr. chairman -- >> that being the case, congress is the only body that can hold the president accountable. we have to have the information and that's why we are doing the resolution. >> nancy pelosi said she's in no rush to impeach the president. >> that's a different question. >> it is. >> we don't have the facts now. >> i think we have discussed that quite a bit. i quawant to get your take. a former texas congressman beto o'rourke announced he's running for president. you served three terms with him in congress. what were your impressions of the then congressman? >> he was energetic. i didn't serve on committees with him. so i didn't get to know him well. he's energetic, forceful and sincere. those are my impressions of him. >> how important do you think
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experience is for a democratic candidate? >> it is obviously a factor. lincoln wasn't experienced. he served one term in the house. perhaps it's not the most important factor. >> thanks for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> the senate is expected to vote today to block president trump's wall emergency declaration. i paid so much on my grad school loans. so insane! speaking of insane, have i not taken a vacation in 4 years? i should probably do that, and get a new car. how about a road trip? or tokyo? well i've got to celebrate, because now i'm going to be debt-free even sooner. and this is why i sofi. when you refinance your student loans with sofi, you can save thousands.
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the senate is expected to vote today on whether to block president trump's national emergency declaration for the border wall. five republicans said they will vote against the president. the white house has been trying to prevent further defections while the president this morning vows to veto this. joining us to discuss this and more we have democratic senator debbie stabanau and roy blunt. i look forward to the bipartisan effort you are working on. senator blunt, i want to start with you. you don't like how the president has done this. i read you said you don't like he's circumventing congress to get funding for the wall. how will you vote today? >> i am going to vote today. i'm going to talk about that this afternoon. right now we are talking about this. i have an ebola, serious disease
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hearing after this and two or three other things. i will wait for that vote to occur this afternoon. i will explain my vote then. >> you don't want to give us a preview. >> no. >> come on. >> this would be a great opportunity on national tv. >> it would be. it's a better opportunity to talk about excellence in mental health. >> i promise we will. i love that topic. we do it all the time on "new day." i can't wait to hear your plans for mental health and addiction in particular. are you leaning toward -- >> no, no. the answer is i'm going to talk about it this afternoon. >> that's still your answer, okay. let me ask you this, hypothetically before we move on. rand paul, collins, murkowski, tillis and lee. have you hayward of other senators who may vote against it? >> i was with the president yesterday in the white house. he talked about trade and this
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issue and other issues. i was glad to have the chance to talk directly to him about this. >> alisyn, just for the record, i will be voting for the resolution against the national emergency. we work together on so many wonderful things. i'm not sure how senator blunt will vote today. but i will support the resolution. >> to block it. understood. thank you very much for offering that. let's talk about your bipartisan bill. >> yes. >> you want to expand the 2014 act that did a lot towards helping mental health issues. what are you trying to improve upon? what still needs to be done, senator stabenow? >> well, this is a wonderful bipartisan effort. senator blunt and i are both very committed to make sure that mental health and addiction treatment is street edtreated ts physical health which is not the case now.
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we have community funding for health care. both of us are deeply involved in continuing to fund health centers as well, leading the effort. when it comes to mental health or addiction, it is mostly grants. when the grant runs out, no more services. we got together, developed quality standards for behavioral health care in the community. we were able to get funding for eight demonstration states and have been, frankly, thrilled at the response we have seen in the last two years. so today we announced the next step to add funding for 11 more states. this is something broadly supported by law enforcement, by health and mental health care professionals, mayors and governors in the states. i know missouri senator blunt's state is one of the states that's doing a great job. >> well, i think, alisyn, too, what we are hoping to do with this and what we hoped to do when we started this effort in 2013 is to create a mountain of evidence of what happens when
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you treat behavioral health like all other health. this is not a long-term desire for the federal government to become the funder of behavioral health. but a long-term effort to really show the states that when you treat behavioral health like all other health, frankly the other health challenges people have are so much easier to treat. we have seen it in our state, one of the eight pilot states. we need a couple more years of compiling information to make the case persuasive. frankly, i don't think any state that makes this decision will go backward on this decision. one, it is the right thing to do. i think we are also showing it's financially the smart thing to do as well. interestingly in the states where this started and started before we begin to deal with the opioid challenge, we have seen the incredible benefit of having access in our state at 200 different locations where if part of your addiction treatment
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needs to be the behavioral health side of that. and that can't be over in two weeks, 14 days, 21 days which is the limit in most states that haven't been part of the early excellence effort. it is making a difference there as well. >> look, that will be music to the ears of so many people in the grips of addiction right now. senator stabenow, do you consider the opioid issue a national emergency? >> absolutely. right now overdoses are the leading cause of death for people under age 50. i should also mention one in five people will have a mental illness in their lifetime. so these are very serious. as senator blunt said, when we see them being treated as part of a health care system we actually are finding in the last two years it costs less than people think and people aren't going to jail because law enforcement doesn't know what to
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do. part of it is 24-hour psychiatric emergency facilities. so people are getting treatment the way they should. people aren't sitting in emergency rooms, trying to figure out what to do and get help. they are getting quality help. it's saving lives. we just need to do this and demonstrate this across the country. >> senator blunt, would you rather millions of dollars go to this effort than building a wall? >> no. i'm actually for securing the border. i don't think that's the question. i think you hit on an interesting point there of what future presidents could consider to be a national emergency. >> national emergency, yep. >> we went to the floor the last day of october 2013 when we initially introduced this bill. it was the 50th anniversary of the last bill president kennedy signed which was the community mental health act. as we went through that bill together on the floor that day, it was obvious that the places that the bill anticipated would be closed and probably should
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have been closed actually all were closed but it was just as ab use th obvious that the alternatives that 53 years ago or so that the country thought would become alternatives haven't been alternatives for most people. that's what we are trying to show in excellence in mental health. one in five people, as debbie said, the nih says has a diagnosable and almost always treatable mental health issue. 20% of the population has other health issues that are being dealt with better if you are seeing your doctor, taking your medicine, eating better, sleeping better. all the dialysis costs, hypertension, whatever that is are so much more easily dealt with. >> yeah. >> we're showing that doing the right thing actually is the smart thing financially as well. >> senator blunt, i want to ask you because you are on transportation quickly about the boeing 737 max 8. now the planes are grounded.
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some believe it took too long for the u.s. to make the decision. at least 24 hours after other countries. you are having a hearing on tuesday. what are you trying to get to the bottom of? >> i don't know that we are having a hearing tuesday, but the commerce committee will have a hearing on this, i'm convinced. just to be sure we understand the process that went on at faa. also the process of how things are tested and checked. you know, boeing has a great defense footprint in missouri. it's an important part of our state. i think the president after talking to boeing yesterday made the right decision and fortunately made the right decision. we'll find out later how critical that decision was. there is no reason to have any unnecessary uncertainty when you are up in the sky or people you care about are up in the sky. you shouldn't have to worry about what plane they're on. this is a great airplane. we need to be sure we find if
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this is a specific problem, that we find it was a problem and how to solve it. >> senator stabenow, do you think it took too long to ground the plane? >> i wish it had been done sooner. i'm glad they did it. i fly home every week. we are all on planes all the time as well as family members. it's very concerning. i found myselfing l looking at plane would i be on this weekend. >> right. >> i asked my staff to make sure i was not flying on that plane. if that was my reaction, i know that was the reaction of everybody else in the country. certainly in michigan. i'm glad they grounded the plane. sounds like it's fixable and they need to fix it quickly. >> right. >> you aren't alone. senators, thank you very much for covering this with us this morning. >> great to be with you. >> thank you. >> john? >> now that beto o'rourke is a 2020 candidate, what does that entry do to the overall race?
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breaking news this morning. former texas congressman beto
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o'rourke joining the 2020 race for president. here is some of the video he shared with his social media followers a short time ago. >> this is going to be a positive campaign. it seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us, that seeks to unite a very divided country. we are truly now, more than ever, the last great hope of earth. at this moment of maximum peril and maximum potential let's show ourselves and those who will succeed us in this great country just who we are and what we can do. >> joining us now is the former campaign manager for hilly for america, jeff zeleny and nia henderson, senior cnn political reporter. jeff, we have been pushing you for a date certain on the different candidates for a long time. i guess we can say this morning it is with beto. i wonder if he moved up his
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announcement to this morning because of all the talk about joe biden and how you think this affects the field. >> i don't think he moved up his announcement. this is what they were planning. a couple weeks ago he said he hadn't made his decision. this is pretty much in step with him saying it would be the end of february. it will change the field at least initially. he's starting the race in iowa. he'll meet with voters. one thing we won't hear is a speech. he's not giving a campaign speech to lay out what he'd do with president. he's decided to try to go from small town to small town and meet voters one on one. i'm told by a variety of advisers as he was deciding how to do it that he wanted to sort of introduce himself on his own terms in the same way he ran for the texas senate. there is a lot of intrigue and
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curiosity. there are questions about what does he stand for, what would he actually do as president? the pressure will be on him quickly to start filling in the gaps once his introduction and the emotional appeal is over. >> we talked to joe hagan about his "vanity fair" case and talked about the undefined positions and deliberately unorganized in a traditional campaign sense. in the "vanity fair" piece beto o'rourke says i don't have a team counting delegates invoking the politics not accessible by reason. almost no one thought there was a path in texas. i felt it. i knew there was. i knew with enough work, creativity and amazing people if i can meet them and bring them in we could do it. that's how he feels about this now. can you run a presidential campaign on feel? the delegates were important to you in 2016.
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>> they are. unfortunately the delegates, the way they are allotted can be complicated. it doesn't always follow logic. sometimes you are winning contests but not racking up the delegates the way you like. hillary started by going to iowa and having one on one meetings. to get out there, sharpen the message. sounds like he's having a rally to announce the campaign in el paso later on. i don't think he needs to worry about that right now. there is a point for any candidate. the sanders campaign went through it. there is a lot of money coming in the primary moves quickly. you have to make decisions quickly about where and when to spend money. there is time. they can grow into it. >> nia, it is one of the big
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debates is whether 2020 is the year of the white man or if there is a different desire in the country. he said he would make sure his campaign and administration would look like the country would have lots of people of color. he says i understand people to make a decision based on the fact almost every one of the presidents has been a white man. they want something different for the country. that's a legitimate basis upon which to make a decision. >> the big debate is about electability. if you look at folks talking about electability folks thought of as most electable are white men. if you look at the folks in the lead particularly in iowa so far are biden and bernie sanders. people say it's partly on name recognition which is certainly true. it also reflects the idea that a lot of democrats think joe biden
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because he was vice president and also a white man could do better in michigan, ohio and pennsylvania and wisconsin. some of the voters who fled the party and voted for donald trump. the idea that whiteness and being male is a liability, i think, is ridiculous. i don't know in what sphere of american politics the idea that being a son of privilege as beto o'rourke is and also married to a daughter of privilege, that seems to me to be what it is which is a privilege. in some ways, we are down to his benefit in this race. we'll see. he can't be true that on the one hand being white is a liability. also somebody like joe biden is seemingly a frontrunner at this point and bernie sanders is burning up the airwaves in terms of being able to get attention and also fund raising and hear
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beto o'rourke here, another white male seeming to be able to scramble the race. i think the idea that an african-american candidate is somehow privileged in this race is absurd. cory booker isn't leading any poles. elizabeth warren isn't leading any polls. >> beto o'rourke says, i understand if there is an appetite and if people want to vote based on that he understands it. you have looked at beto o'rourke's senate campaign in him as a candidate. one thing he did well in texas and one thing that could help him is run his race. worry about beto o'rourke. don't necessarily worry about donald trump. why is that important? >> one of the core challenges in 2016 and democrats and republicans certainly struggled with this in the 2016 primary is
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when donald trump is in the picture you can't drive your own message. people forget out of a field of 16, trump ran them all over and never looked back. for someone to get out there, attract media attention around things they want to say is vital. we have seen some capacity from beto to do that. looking at the rollout the way we are talking about it. the "vanity fair" piece. it was all about beto o'rourke. it wasn't about donald trump. it wasn't about other candidates in the field. i'm interested to see what happens here. whoever we pick coming out of the primary will have the ability to drive a message. as we saw with trump and the republicans, it was the ability that got them through the primary itself and will make them successful in the general. >> thank you all very much. >> thanks.
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no politician in u.s. history experienced the same kind of rise, fall, comeback and then fall again as president richard nixon. cnn's four-part original series "tricky dick" explores the parallels between the nixon and trump presidencies. here's a preview. >> i don't give a god damn what the story is. >> richard nixon has lied
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repeatedly. >> no reporter from "the washington post" is to ever be in the white house again. do you understand? >> the tougher it gets, the cooler i get. i have what it takes. >> impeach nixon now! >> i'm going to say this to the television audience. people have to know whether or not their president is a crook. well, i am not a crook. >> this crap about watergate. >> let others wallow in watergate. we're going to do our job. >> i'm going to kick their ass. >> nobody is going to package me or make me put on an act for television. i'm not going to engage in gimmicks, stunts or wear silly hats. if people say that's a new nixon all i can say is maybe you don't know the old nixon. >> cnn presidential historian from the nixon library is a
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consultant in the series. you hear so much of richard nixon's own voice thanks to the white house recordings which i think he probably regretted for sure after that. but you see and hear an inner thinking of a president almost more than you ever do. it's a psychological study. >> first of all, i think there are few people in the country who have spent time with the nixon tapes. generally you hear this piece and that piece. they don't get a sense of the audio diary. this tortured audio diary nixon left us. first of all, this is all nixon. there are no talking heads. it's just him and the people at the time. what you see is a chasm between nixon and the nixon on tv. is there always a huge gap between the manicured
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professional face of the presidency and the real person? >> fascinating question. it gets to an issue with nixon that you often hear which is, well, sure, watergate. sure, he was forced to resign. he was just doing things all presidents and politicians do. i hope that the takeaway from studying the nixon era isn't a cynical takeaway. if that's true, that means every single one of our presidents is a crook. the difference is some get caught and others don't. what i think -- i hope the viewers will see, first of all, that they can make up their own mind. this is nixon talking to them. there is no screen, no filter. unfiltered, unplugged. they'll come to understand the panoply of deeds that led republicans and democrats to decide this man has to leave the office of the president.
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>> here for yourself, along those lines. you also learn from nixon prewatergate. what do we learn from nixon about prior to 1972? >> one of the things that you watch and particularly people who don't remember the era, too young to remember. he managed to capture the american imagination. for decades it was a different richard nixon. a successful politician. a man good at television by the way. he changed the way in which politicians dealt with television. he rescued his career by going on tv and talking to the nation. different parts of the country, this man was a hero. somehow he's touched our popular imagination. what happens is there is a decay. you can see it on screen as the confident nixon disappears and the sad, tortured angry, dark
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nixon assumes the public persona. >> he was in the arena for decades. this is not a 1971, 1972 issue. from the '50s to the '70s he was a central player in the american story. president trump, there are connections made between the men partly because president trump likes to make the connections. what do you think the most important connection if there is one is. >> well, one of the reasons richard nixon lost the support among his base is he began to seem inauthentic. when nixon released transcripts of the tapes, people didn't hear them at the time. people said, oh, my god. you are much more cynical and amoral than we thought. nixon believed in the norms, behaving a certain way. when people saw the difference between the real nixon and the nixon who was projected on
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screen they felt he was betraying them. the question is with a president who has social media which allows people to see his id and ego every day does that mean we know the real trump better than people knew the real nixon or not? i don't know. nixon began losing people when they were lying. >> that's a fascinating question. thank you so much for being with us. you can watch the premiere sunday at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. >> "the good stuff" is next. wow. good news is, we bought a house in time. woman: but...we're a little low on cash after the down payment. man: and the baby room needs new carpet. woman: and a door. ugh, and a window. man: and we still got to patch that mystery hole. woman: and then make it super adorable. man: ridiculously adorable. this is why we sofi. with sofi's no-fee personal loan, borrow up to $100k for home projects.
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top of the hour. good morning, everyone. i'm poppy harlow in washington. >> i'm jim sciutto in new york. beto o'rourke is in iowa which is another way to say he's running for president. he made it official this morning. >> good to share with you i'm running to serve you as


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